If you’re one of the landlords in the UK, this article is for you. Thousands of landlords are struggling now to keep their properties out of arrears with a rise in buy-to-let repossessions in the last quarter. In the second quarter of 2024, mortgage arrears for landlords increased by 1% from the previous quarter, resulting in 13,570 cases.
Many landlords are in a dreadful situation due to higher interest rates. Those who borrowed more money from the bank now find it hard to keep up with their debt.
Lenders’ repossessions are climbing back to levels seen before the pandemic arose. Mortgage and landlord possessions have now been at their highest since mid-2019.
The rental market faces a hard-to-win future as more landlords might be forced to sell their properties or face repossessions. Although repossessions are increasing, the numbers are still below the level before the pandemic.
Overall, the situation paints a struggling future for the UK rental market. Landlords are under financial pressure, and many wonder how to keep their properties out of arrears.
The current trend of rising repossession rates among UK landlords highlights the rental market’s challenges. With increasing mortgage arrears and dreadful property repossessions, many landlords will surely struggle to maintain their investment position. This situation is being worsened by borrowing costs and tax changes.
By taking a proactive approach, such as seeking professional help on how to secure your investment for success, you can stay ahead of the curve. Our team of financial experts at Anros Consultancy is here to help.
6 June 2024
11 November 2024